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The Heatherley School of Fine Art, 75 Lots Road, Chelsea, London SW10 0RN  |  phone 020 7351 4190

Classical Painting Techniques



26 September – 12 December / 6.30pm – 9.00pm
12 weeks / No half term break

Tutor: Gianluca Rotelli

Course #: TH08

places available


Classical Painting Techniques

In this course, we will delve into a variety of classical painting methods, such as oil painting, egg tempera, tempera grassa, limited palette, glazing techniques, working with mediums, and preparing canvases and panels using Gesso di Bologna.

Additionally, we will learn how to create colours using powdered pigments. During the first part of the course, our focus will be on the art of replicating a masterpiece by an old master using traditional materials.

In the second part, we will have the opportunity to paint a live model and put into practice the techniques and materials we have learned throughout the course.

Join us on this artistic journey as we explore the captivating world of classical painting techniques and discover how to apply them in both traditional and contemporary contexts.


26 September – 12 December / 6.30pm – 9.00pm
12 weeks / No half term break


Tutor: Gianluca Rotelli

Course #: TH08

Materials List

Suggested Materials List

• Brushes N4 to N12 Cornelissen Series 44 Hog Bristle Filbert
• Wooden palette approx 25 x 35cm
• Painting knife size 1 to 3 (for mixing colours on the palette)
• Dipper – double dipper ideally

Odourless thinners (turpentine and white spirit not permitted in school)
Sansodor is most commonly is fine.

• Jam jar (for cleaning of brushes)
• A roll of paper kitchen towel or similar (for cleaning brushes as you paint)

Painting Medium – optional and we can discuss the merits of using painting mediums later on. Fundamental basis medium is ” Linseed oil”.
• Linseed oil
• Walnut oil
• Poppy oil
• Mastic varnish
• Damar varnish
• Larch Venice Turpentine
• Roberson Siccative

Oil Paints
Needed on first day

• White lead, Cremnitz White (Michael Harding)
• Titanium White
• Yellow Ochre
• Cadmium Red light
• Cobalt blue deep
• Burnt Umber
• Ivory black (All preferably artist’s quality – Old Holland, Michael Harding)

Drawing Materials
• Artist Sketchbook (A4)
• Drawing pencils “3H to 2B”
• Conte pencil and / or sticks (white, black)
• Putty Rubber
• Masking Tape


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