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The Heatherley School of Fine Art, 75 Lots Road, Chelsea, London SW10 0RN  |  phone 020 7351 4190

Drawing and Painting Advanced


23 September – 9 December / 10.00am – 4.00pm
12 weeks / No half term break

Tutor: Alex Duncan

Course #: MN20

places available


Drawing and Painting Advanced

For those with some confidence in drawing and painting, this course gives you the opportunity to expand your approach to working from the life model and still life subject matter. The programme covers a variety of media and will encourage you to experiment with new and different materials. Keeping sketchbooks will also help you to create a personal visual dialogue with the subject and in this way the ongoing creative process is as important as the finished work.


23 September – 9 December / 10.00am – 4.00pm
12 weeks / No half term break

Tutor: Alex Duncan

Course #: MN20

Materials List

Please bring these materials with you when you start the course:

  • Charcoal (2 medium sticks)
  • Putty Rubber
  • Masking Tape
  • Acrylic paints: Red / Blue / Yellow / White
  • Or, Oil Paints: Cadmium Red / French Ultramarine Blue / Cadmium Yellow
  • Brushes size 3, 5, 8 (flat hog bristle)
  • Large tear-off palette
  • Palette knife
  • Kitchen roll / old rags

If using Oil Paints:

  • Purified Linseed
  • Double dippers
  • Low odour thinners (sold at Heatherleys)
  • Titanium White Low odour thinners (sold at Heatherley’s)


  • Apron

Please only bring low odour thinners with you or buy them from the school shop. For health & safety reasons we do not allow the use of white spirit or turpentine at Heatherleys.


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