15 April – 8 May
Printmaking Exhibition
This printmaking exhibition of 30 prints is a joint collaboration between Hilary Daltry, Head of Printmaking at Heatherleys, and Christina Pérez i Alay, engraving and lithography teacher at Escola TRAC in Barcelona. The work has already been exhibited in Barcelona last year and we are thrilled to finally be able to host it at Heatherleys!
This joint project was created to share an exchange of different life views and experiences and also to form a network between studios that use the same artistic discipline. The thirty pieces on show have all been created using the “language of printmaking”: lithography, etching, woodcut, monotype & mixed media.
Traç Centre d’Expressió Plàstica
Marta Balada Monclús, Glòria Cañadó Lopez, Kit Caver, Maite Escofet Rovira, Laura Gutiérrez Vara, Ana López Alvarez-Buhilla, Josep Maria López Villegas, Sónia Subirós, Josep Oriol Tibau Martínez, Clara Amado Crespo, Gloria Conesa Aylagas, Montserrat Enrich Bastús, Chantal Ferracci i Ivonne Portillo Sierro.
The Heatherley School of Fine Art
Ablah Asfar, Helen Adie, Rannveig Bore, Sophie Balhetchet, Madeleine Clarke, Karen Cotton, Laura Deacon, Deborah Parry, Debbie Bayne, Kenneth Sy Yiu, Celia Normand, Georgina Hole, Jeannie Taylor, Rose Vestey, Lisa Wilson & Carlota Solanes.

“Achikanain” by Ivonne Portillo
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