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The Heatherley School of Fine Art, 75 Lots Road, Chelsea, London SW10 0RN  |  phone 020 7351 4190

Archive for:

Laura Deacon


Friday Printmaking

Thursday 04 Aug 2022

Student artwork from the 12 Friday Printmaking course led by Hilary Daltry. The course is accessible to the beginner or practiced printmaker. Each week you can try different techniques such as aquatint, drypoint and linocut, with the potential to produce print editions. If you’d like to experiment and explore printmaking, you can sign up for […]

Ivonne Portillo "Achikanain"

Shared Spaces

Thursday 15 Apr 2021

15 April – 8 May Printmaking Exhibition This printmaking exhibition of 30 prints is a joint collaboration between Hilary Daltry, Head of Printmaking at Heatherleys, and Christina Pérez i Alay, engraving and lithography teacher at Escola TRAC in Barcelona. The work has already been exhibited in Barcelona last year and we are thrilled to finally […]