Uta Brouet and Gigi Salomon are showing their recent work at ‘HUMAN’ – an exhibition of sculpture, paintings and photography by 9 London-based female artists.
Open Day 7th October 11am – 3pm.
To come and see the exhibition on this Open Day, you will have to register with the German Embassy.
Gigi says:
’I have made mixed-media sculptures for ‘HUMAN’ which I have called Shrouds. The sculptures are based on the idea of what is remembered and what lies unnoticed or unseen. These are the traces, the silent messages left behind from early peoples to those before the invention of photography. The majority of humanity has gone unrecorded without any portrait.
I have taken impressions of places which mark where humans have lived, worked and walked over time:- drove paths, flagstones, headstones, doorways, apertures, hedgerows. These Shrouds are simple and semi-transparent and hold fleeting impressions. They add a new dimension to the opacity of the originals. I am including a drawing machine created with inventions that measure our world for us. It only draws when someone activates it. It responds to a person’s presence by drawing out random marks with its own rhythm’.
Gigi is also exhibiting at ‘Taste’ the Future – Art in a Pizza Box at 34 Belgrave Square London SW1, which can be seen on the Open Day 7th October.
Uta says:
’The German Embassy has invited 9 female artists to visually express their thoughts responding to the theme …Human. What is a portrait? What can it convey in its stillness and silence? What does it capture of a human being? What is the truth of a portrait as it captures a being “only” at a specific time of their existence?
This exhibition motivated me to finish a portrait head of my son that I had started more than two years ago. I have kept the clay wet, trying to adapt the work to a boy that wouldn’t stop growing and changing. I created a second head of the same young man in the period of three weeks.
The portrait heads remain unfired. If a clay piece is not fired, it will disintegrate into dust. If the clay is moistened again the material recovers its malleable qualities and can be worked and transformed once more. We come from Earth and return to Earth. Nothing is permanent, everything is in constant transformation.
My installation “Essence” for the exhibition is completed by a bronze sculpture called “Venus Maternity” and a photograph of my Father holding my son at young age in a protective embrace. When I rediscovered this photograph I understood the Essence of Humanness: This portrait in time will never be repeated. This instant is unique. My son is now so big he can never be cradled in the same way again. My father is not present in this physical world any longer. However, the very gesture is repeated every second in every part of the world: Birth, Love, Protection, Transmission, Transformation and Death is what makes us human’.

7 Oct - 18 Dec 2017
The German Ambassador’s Residence at 22 Belgrave Square, London SW1
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