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The Heatherley School of Fine Art, 75 Lots Road, Chelsea, London SW10 0RN  |  phone 020 7351 4190

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Royal Society of Portrait Painters


Staff and Student Highlight: Royal Society of Portrait Painters Annual Exhibition

Friday 05 May 2023

4 – 13 May 2023

  Staff and Student Highlight: Royal Society of Portrait Painters Annual Exhibition We’re extremely proud of all the staff, tutors and students who’ve exhibited the Royal Society of Portrait Painters 132nd Annual exhibition Mall Galleries this year.⁠ ⁠ Congratulations to all who made this fantastic event and showcase event happen again this year, including all […]


Heatherleys at The Royal Society of Portrait Painters Exhibition 2019

Wednesday 08 May 2019

The Royal Society of Portrait Painters Annual Exhibition 2019 has opened at the Mall Galleries today. As ever there is a wealth of work on display from Heatherley staff, students and alumni. Particular congratulations go to James Hague who was awarded the RP Prize for his painting ‘Tom’.   Mall Galleries 9th May to 24th […]

Alistair Adams

Alastair Adams – Artists Talk

Monday 03 Dec 2018

Artists Talk

Portrait Painting: Personal Development, Relationships and Empowerment In this talk Alastair will discuss some key turning points in his career to date. Focussing on specific commissioned and non commissioned paintings, Alastair will discuss how his practice, and representational drawings and paintings as a whole, can be used to represent and empower their subjects. As well […]