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The Heatherley School of Fine Art, 75 Lots Road, Chelsea, London SW10 0RN  |  phone 020 7351 4190

Archive for:

Philip Gibbs


Farewell Phil, Hello Helena

Tuesday 17 Dec 2019

Currently following in Phil’s print room footsteps is Helena Moock, daughter of our Director of Printmaking Hilary Daltry. Helena will be on hand as print technician for both our Thursday and Friday printmaking classes. She says ‘Learning from the best, Phil Gibbs, has been a great experience and over several weeks I got to work […]


Farewell Philip Gibbs!

Tuesday 10 Dec 2019

Nobody is quite sure when it was that Philip first arrived at Heatherleys. As far as I can remember he has always been a part of the very fabric of the school, working hard in the print room or perhaps taking a well earned break in the staff kitchen. And I think we thought he […]