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The Heatherley School of Fine Art, 75 Lots Road, Chelsea, London SW10 0RN  |  phone 020 7351 4190

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Heatherley News


Queer Art and Identity: a Film Screening and Q & A

Wednesday 27 Feb 2019

‘Queer Art and Identity: a Film Screening and Q & A with Film Maker Lois Norman, Artist Sarah Jane Moon, Art Writer & Curator Anna McNay and Heatherley Portrait Diploma Director Minna Stevens.’ Join us on the 27th of February for an excerpt from Lois Norman’s film ‘She is Juiced’ and a Q&A discussion around the […]


Rebecca Asghar wins the Mr Heatherley Composition Prize

Tuesday 27 Nov 2018

Congratulations to Rebecca Asghar who has won this year’s Mr Heatherly Composition Prize. The award is made annually by our former Principal, John Walton RP, for the best three-figure portrait painting. The competition is based upon the Slade composition prize which John won himself in his youth. Rebecca says ‘My painting, a three figure self […]


Hazel Reeves and Hilary Daltry visit Emmeline Pankhurst’s Grave

Friday 26 Oct 2018

Hazel Reeves and Hilary Daltry made a joint pilgramage to Emmeline Pankhurst’s gravesite in Brompton Cemetery last week. Reeves attended John Dean’s sculpture course in the days before Heatherleys moved to its current site on Lots Road. She has gone on to create several public statues, including Sir Nigel Gresley for King’s Cross Station and […]


Gerald Marks Memorial Exhibition

Wednesday 16 Nov 2022

Gerald Marks 1921 – 2018 Memorial Exhibition Preview: Wednesday 7th November 5.30pm – 8pm Public Viewing Day: Saturday 10th November 11.00am – 4pm Gerald Marks was born in London in 1921. He showed a precocious ability to paint and draw and an interest in left wing politics. His art education took place at Central School […]


Sharon Low – ‘Female Ghosts… and other stories’

Tuesday 09 Oct 2018

8th October - 19th October 2018

Sharon Low’s solo exhibition ‘Female Ghosts….and Other Stories’ will be on display around the school until Friday the 19th of October. Sharon Low | Liú Guó Fěi 劉 國 斐:Female family ghosts… and other stories Female family ghosts (past, present and future) | mǔ hún 母魂 Once upon a time… there was a small child, […]


Hilary Daltry – Print Exhibitions at Brompton Cemetery

Wednesday 25 Jul 2018

Head of Printmaking, Hilary Daltry, has curated 2 exhibitions of work at Brompton Cemetery this month – ‘The Scientist and the Firebrand’ and ‘Inspired by Brompton’. She says ” ‘Inspired by Brompton’ was an exhibition by Heatherleys Printmaking students who have drawn inspiration from Brompton Cemetery. It is the fourth year that The Friends of Brompton […]


Photos from the Annual Exhibition Private View

Friday 20 Jul 2018

Thank you to everyone who came to our Annual Exhibition Private View on Tuesday and made it such a fun evening. We had a wonderful time amongst graduating students, friends, alumni, tutors, trustees, visiting lecturers, gallerists and more. We also celebrated our 10th anniversary since moving from Upcerne Road to our current premises on Lots […]


Work from the Annual Exhibition 2018

Thursday 19 Jul 2018

17 Jul - 21 Jul 2018

Exhibition of Work

Please see the gallery below for work from our Diploma in Portraiture, the Diploma and Post Diploma in Figurative Sculpture and Continuing Studies, all of which is currently on display at our Annual Exhibition. If this inspires you to come and see it in the flesh, the show continues 10.00am to 4.00pm today and tomorrow […]

Heatherley's Bankside Staff Show

Heatherley Bankside Staff Show

25 - 28 January 2018

25th January – 28th January Private View: 25th January 6pm-8pm Our fifth annual Staff Show at Bankside Gallery. Work will be on display from our tutors and support staff, including Ian Rowlands, Allan Ramsay, Melissa Scott-Miller, Gil Whyman, Daniel Bibby, George Levantis, Ron Best, Hilary Daltry, Chris Moock, Paulina Pluta, Miriam Escofet, Claudia Carr, Danny […]

Art Competition Reception and Prize Giving

Art Competition Reception and Prize Giving

Thursday 16 Nov 2017

Art Competition

The Heatherley School of Fine Art and The Cheyne Walk Trust Art Competition Theme: Chelsea Life 1st Prize: £1,000 Reception, prize-giving and auction on the 16th of November.   admission: Share this event! [supsystic-social-sharing id=’1′] This event is free and open to the public but seating is limited and will be allocated on a first […]

In Memory of Linda Nugent

In Memory of Linda Nugent

It is with great sadness that we announce the death of Linda Nugent. She died at home in France on the 3rd February having battled with cancer for the past 18 months. She was a well loved member of staff and a greatly intelligent influence on students over the many years of her involvement with […]

Rydal Hanbury

Rydal Hanbury wins the Mr Heatherley Composition Prize

Congratulations to Rydal Hanbury who has won the Mr Heatherley Composition Prize. The challenge is to include at least three figures in a single painting. The piece must be made with oils and not measure less than 1000 square inches. The competition is organised every year by our Professor Emeritus, John Walton, who won the […]

Heatherley's School of Fine Art,

Heatherleys at the Chelsea Art Society 2017

26 - 30 October 2017

A whole host of Heatherley students, staff and alumni are exhibiting work at the Chelsea Art Society Annual Exhibition this year, including Celia Normand, Eva Ti, Lucy Heath and Eve Pettitt. Congratulations go to Marie Coccolatos who won the printmaking prize. The show is on at the Chelsea Old Town Hall until Monday the 30th […]


Heatherleys at the New English Art Club 2017

16 - 25 June 2017

Jason Bowyer, Alex Fowler, Paul Gildea, Daniel Shadbolt, Melissa Scott Miller, Hero Johnson, Antony Williams, Daphne Todd OBE, Tim Benson, Adele Henderson, Jonathan Farningham and Ilaria Del Turco all have work in this year’s NEAC annual exhibition. Congratulations go to Paul Gildea who won The Doreen McIntosh Prize for his painting ’Night Watch’. The Mall […]