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The Heatherley School of Fine Art, 75 Lots Road, Chelsea, London SW10 0RN  |  phone 020 7351 4190

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V&A Inspired By


Sharon Low – ‘Female Ghosts… and other stories’

Tuesday 09 Oct 2018

8th October - 19th October 2018

Sharon Low’s solo exhibition ‘Female Ghosts….and Other Stories’ will be on display around the school until Friday the 19th of October. Sharon Low | Liú Guó Fěi 劉 國 斐:Female family ghosts… and other stories Female family ghosts (past, present and future) | mǔ hún 母魂 Once upon a time… there was a small child, […]


Hilary Daltry – Print Exhibitions at Brompton Cemetery

Wednesday 25 Jul 2018

Head of Printmaking, Hilary Daltry, has curated 2 exhibitions of work at Brompton Cemetery this month – ‘The Scientist and the Firebrand’ and ‘Inspired by Brompton’. She says ” ‘Inspired by Brompton’ was an exhibition by Heatherleys Printmaking students who have drawn inspiration from Brompton Cemetery. It is the fourth year that The Friends of Brompton […]