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Archive for:

Sky Portrait Artist of the Year


Rebecca Asghar in Sky Portrait Artist of the Year

Tuesday 28 Jan 2020

Make sure you tune in to tonight’s (January 28th) episode of Sky Portrait Artist of the Year to catch our former Portrait Diploma student Rebecca Asghar’s appearance. She says – ‘I was very pleased to be chosen to be a participant on the Sky Portrait Artist of the Year 2020. It was a wonderful experience meeting […]


Jane Clatworthy on Sky Portrait Artist of the Year 2019

Thursday 28 Mar 2019

Former Portrait Diploma student, Jane Clatworthy, recently made an appearance on Episode 4 of this year’s Sky Portrait Artist of the Year competition. She says of the experience ‘I wasn’t actually going to enter for the Sky Portrait Artist of the Year, but a member of the production team encouraged me to try and a […]