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The Heatherley School of Fine Art, 75 Lots Road, Chelsea, London SW10 0RN  |  phone 020 7351 4190

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Professional Deveopmen


Rosalind Davis – Surviving and Thriving as an Artist

Monday 03 Feb 2020

Surviving and Thriving as an Artist • Representing yourself & raising your profile • Galleries and the Art World • Insights into Curating and tips on how to curate/develop your own exhibitions or projects. • How to maximize an exhibitions success, build relationships and new audiences for your work such as curators/ critics and potential collectors […]


Rosalind Davis – Articulating Your Practice

Monday 17 Jun 2019

Articulating your practice. The Art of Writing and Talking about your work Talk This lecture gives useful tips on developing your artist statement to create an engaging but comprehensive overview of your artwork. There will be some examples and creative ideas as well as advice on structure, layout, biogs and using different voices for different […]