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The Heatherley School of Fine Art, 75 Lots Road, Chelsea, London SW10 0RN  |  phone 020 7351 4190

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First page of a feature on artists James Hague in Artists & Illustrators November 2022 issue.

James Hague in Artists & Illustrators November 2022 Issue

Monday 31 Oct 2022

  Artist and Heatherleys tutor James Hague featured in Artists & Illustrators November 2022 Interviewed by editor Niki Browes, James Hague shares why he always comes back to painting. With a string of prizes and scholarships to his name, James is what many would call a successful artist. Yet, in his own words, “if you […]

First page of a feature on artists Sarah Jane Moon in Artists & Illustrators October 2022 issue.

Sarah Jane Moon in Artists & Illustrators October 2022 Issue

Wednesday 26 Oct 2022

  Artist and Heatherleys tutor Sarah Jane Moon featured in Artists & Illustrators October 2022 Interviewed by editor Niki Browes, Sarah Jane Moon shares her journey, experiences and elements of her creative process for Artists & Illustrators October 2022 issue. She tells how she went from an academic career to full immersion in drawing and […]