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Artists Talk


Michael Taylor – Artists Talk

Monday 25 Nov 2019

Michael Taylor – Artists Talk Michael works quietly and carefully on one painting at a time, spending about three months over each composition. On graduating from Goldsmiths School of Art in 1973, he determined to devote his time to working at a single canvas, while funding himself by working evenings at a pub in Greenwich. […]


Brendan Kelly – Artists Talk

Monday 28 Oct 2019

Brendan Kelly – Artists Talk Brendan studied at the Slade in the early 1990’s and has since been the winner of several prestigious awards for work in BP Portrait and The Royal Society of Portrait Painters, he has two portraits in the National Portrait Gallery, one of Baroness Boothroyd and the other General Mike Jackson. […]


Benjamin Sullivan – Artists Talk

Monday 24 Jun 2019

Benjamin Sullivan – Artists Talk Benjamin Sullivan was born in Grimsby in 1977. He studied painting and drawing at Edinburgh College of Art, graduating in 2000. Since then, he has established a growing reputation as a figurative painter. His work has been widely exhibited, including at the Royal Academy and National Portrait Gallery. Among other […]

Alistair Adams

Alastair Adams – Artists Talk

Monday 03 Dec 2018

Artists Talk

Portrait Painting: Personal Development, Relationships and Empowerment In this talk Alastair will discuss some key turning points in his career to date. Focussing on specific commissioned and non commissioned paintings, Alastair will discuss how his practice, and representational drawings and paintings as a whole, can be used to represent and empower their subjects. As well […]


Cherry Pickles – Artists Talk

Monday 19 Nov 2018

Cherry Pickles was born in Bridgend, Wales. She did a mathematics degree In Northern Ireland before going to art school at Chelsea and the Slade. After that she had various bits of art school teaching and residencies, most substantially; Falmouth School of Art, Corsham and St Andrews University.     In the early/mid 80’s Pickles […]